
Download Windows Installer

  1. Install CTERA Drive Connect on a Windows platform by double-clicking the downloaded file to run the installation wizard.
  2. Follow the installation wizard instructions.


Download Mac Installer

  1. Install CTERA Drive Connect on a macOS platform by moving the application package to the Applications directory on your computer.
  2. In Finder, double-click the package to run the installation wizard.
  3. Follow the installation wizard instructions. Note: If prompted, enter your password and click Install Software.CTERA Drive Connect is installed. It is added as an extension. Extensions are located under Others in System Settings > Privacy & Security.
  4. In Finder, select Desktop and then choose View > Show View Options from the menu bar.
  5. Notes If Desktop is not displayed, check the Desktop option in Finder Settings > Sidebar. The display can be different, depending on your version and starting point.
  6. Clear the Show icon preview option.
    Depending on your Mac version, clearing the Show icon preview also disables Calculate all sizes.
  7. Click Use as Defaults and close the window.
  8. In System Settings > Siri & Spotlight, click Spotlight Privacy.
  9. image.pngThe Privacy window is displayed.
  10. Click +.
  11. In Finder choose Go > Go to Folder in the menu bar.
  12. Search for ~/Library/Group Containers
  13. Click the link to display the directory.
  14. Drag to the Privacy window.
  15. Click Done.