Hi All

An entry for the knowledge base


If a live data base or archive becomes unavailable and can not be remapped in Milestone. This can happen if a DB or archive volume is unavailable for an extended period of time. You will be presented with “Storage unavailable” in the Milestone management console. Remapping the storage fails with “Storage unavailable”



Yin the Milestone Management console you will be presented with off line storage. To resolve this you need to logon to the recording server that has the storage. Locate the off lien storage in Windows file explorer and navigate to the root of the storage folder (D:\ or whatever the root is). From the “File” menu open a PowerShell console, run as administrator.

  1. Type “dir”, you should see the folders listed.

  2. Identify the off line folder, refer to the management console to confirm

  3. Type cd “name of the storage folder”

  4. Type “dir” and confirm that you see the off line folder, this will be a GUID not the name

  5. Type “ren name of the folder” name of the new folder”

  6. Enter

  7. Check in the management console, the storage should become available. May take 2-3 min